Send a message to City Hall:
Help — don’t hurt — hotels
NYC’s hotels raise $3.2B a year in tax revenue and add $22B annually to our economy when they are fully up-and-running—but they have been hit hard by Covid-19, and many cannot afford to open until tourists return.
Yet City Hall is forcing hotels to pay out huge sums while they’re shuttered, which will force many hotels to close forever. A bill passed by the City Council and signed by the mayor in October requires closed hotels to pay severance beyond the hundreds-of-millions-of-dollars they have already paid out during the pandemic. Meanwhile, hotels are still being taxed at high rates—even though the industry is only serving a fraction of the guests it was before Covid.
Unless the City starts helping hotels and stop hurting them, we may have no tourism economy left to power our recovery.
Send a message to City Hall: Hotels are the Key to NYC. Help – don’t hurt -- hotels.